CBSE Story Telling Competition 2019
Event Start Date : 21/11/2019 Event End Date 21/11/2019
As per the CBSE circular no. CBSE/SECY/2019 dated November 1, 2019 out of three suggested activities ‘Story Telling Competition’ was conducted on 21/11/19.
One hundred eighty students out of two hundred seventeen narrated stories in the respective classes.
Five students from each section of std. VII & VIII (A, B & C) were shortlisted.
The competition was organized among thirty students and their performance was adjudged under four categories i.e. Content, Presentation, Expression and Pronunciation.
Students narrated stories based on different themes giving a message.
The following students got first, second and third position:
1.ShristiKumari VII C 1st
2.NaziaParween VII B 2nd
3.Kailash Kumar VIII C 3rd.
All the students were enthusiastic, interested and they participated in the competition whole heartedly.