Students are given fair options for inculcating innovative idea of their own under the proper guidance of faculty. The school has adequate facilities like state of art computer lab, chemistry, physics, mathematics and social studies lab. Proper emphasis has been laid on ground activities other than academic for all round development.

Safety & Security
The school cares of all types of safety inside & outside the school premises by teaching students & staff members about the common safety measures & inculcate awareness about road safety & safety at home. Our school is a regular member of �Safe Club� run by �TISCO MANAGEMENT�. We organize various programmes such as Safety Drive, Safety Awareness Week, Mock Fire Drill, Road Show, Nukur Natak.
Our students actively take part in all the activities & competition organized by �TISCO Management� and shows remarkable performance. School emphasizes on �Health & Hygiene� by regular physical check-up, spray of insecticides, facility of water cooler & purifier. In the case of an emergency we have vehicle facility to reach nearest hospital.